Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Phew! finished at long last, I think my poor old brain has worked overtime, but anyhow thanks Donna for the insight of things to come, it was certainly a learning experience and then some. Also a big thankyou to Debbie who has helped me when I became stuck (thanks Debbie, you are a star!)
I particularly liked Flickr, the generator blog which was fun and Wikis. The social networking sites I'm not particularly keen on, probably because its not me but I know my 13 year old granddaughter and her friends are on Bebo all the time and I can see how you can get hooked. It's interesting to see that 'Facebook' which won an award for best social site is actually 'blocked' by UCOL.
The whole exercise has taken up a lot of time but I think it was well worth it, the only thing that I got annoyed and frustrated with was the many logins and passwords setting up accounts, I now have a whole page full of usernames and logins.
Would I do another one? Mmmmm would have to think about that

1 comment:

Donna said...

Hi Jude ... Well done, you've finished :-) You have done a fantastic job and I am sure you would love to do it all again!!!